Wallet Monero: how to store XMR

monero howto

Wallet Monero: how to store XMR

As of today, you can instantly purchase Monero on HolyTransaction, transfer them to any HolyTransaction’s customer for free, and do crypto-to-crypto swaps between your Wallet Monero and more than other 30 cryptocurrencies.


Monero (XMR) was released in April of 2014, it was originally called BitMonero and launched as a preannounced and fair launch of the CryptoNote reference code. Since its original launch, Monero has migrated the blockchain to another database structure, improving flexibility and efficiency. The developers also set minimum ring signature sizes to make all transactions private, and RingCT was added. Almost every improvement made so far has made Monero easier to use or enhanced its security and privacy. The cryptocurrency was founded by Riccardo Spagni alongside 6 other developers, 5 of whom have decided to remain anonymous till date, but more than 240 have contributed to the code.

All HolyTransaction customers can create a new address for XMR and use the simple HolyTransaction Web Wallet to send and receive transactions or to instantly convert them to any other cryptocurrency.

Just like with Bitcoin, you can:

  • Send XMR to any address, even to addresses of other cryptocurrencies with instant conversion on the fly;
  • Receive transactions;
  • Exchange XMR with any supported coins;
  • Make instant transactions between HT users;
  • Get real time exchange rates on the website;
  • Set OTP for additional protection.

To add Wallet Monero just click on the “plus” button you find at the top right of the balance page, once you successfully enter into your wallet.

You can find the “plus” button to select the wallets you want to see in the main page like shown in the picture below:

Add new cryptocurrency


We’re excited to be part of the XMR community!

NOTE: Our multicurrency wallet can store more than 30 cryptocurrencies, including: Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, DecredZcash, Dai Stablecoin, DigixDao, Augur, 0x Project, Gamecredits, Enjin CoinBlackcoin, Gridcoin, Aidcoin, PeercoinSyscoin, Groestlcoin, Power Ledger, BAT, BlockVPIVXTrueUSD, Cardano, STORJ and Monero among the others.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.


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