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bech32 wallet holytransaction

Send to Bitcoin SegWit bech32 addresses!

HolyTransaction-bech32-segwit-walletSegWit on HolyTransaction
We are very excited to announce that HolyTransaction has implemented support for Bitcoin bech32 address formats on its platform. You can now enter a bech32 address when sending bitcoin from HolyTransaction. When depositing, you can also transfer the bitcoins to HolyTransaction from a bech32 address. HolyTransaction is the first web wallet to implement the native SegWit address format.

Native SegWit address bech32
Bitcoin bech32 addresses start with “bc1”. Segwit bech32 format has some technical benefits over the already used SegWit address format, which includes decreased transaction fees and increased throughput. Moreover, the new address format is case-insensitive and consists only of lower cases so the chance of typing an error is lower.

SegWit makes it possible to rearrange the information in a block. Consequently, the block can contain more information and it makes transaction processing more cost-effective. Therefore, the blockchain can process much more transactions per second. This is a big step for the entire cryptocurrency community.

We believe this improvement will be welcome by the community. Tell your friends!
Check your wallet and try it out.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

rocket batch

Batching Bitcoin and Litecoin transactions

HolyTransaction implemented SegWit on Bitcoin and Litecoin back in November 2017; and now we are glad to announce another upgrade to help the BTC network, as well the LTC network, reduce its transaction fee costs.

We implemented batching of transactions to help reduce fees for the entire network in order to strengthen the ecosystem.

Batches now allow grouping similar transactions and processing them together, as one transaction in one single moment. Thanks to this process, HolyTransaction is able to help conserve precious blockspace on the Bitcoin network.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.


SegWit transactions are here

When checking your Bitcoin address from your balance page, you may have noticed that the address currently displayed differs from one you have seen listed in the past.

Thanks to the latest improvements in Bitcoin Core, we are happy to announce that HolyTransaction implemented the SegWit technology to improve the Bitcoin network capacity and reduce the network fees.

All new addresses generated for Bitcoin and Litecoin by the HolyTransaction wallet will be SegWit addresses.

We believe this change will be welcome by the community and will also help HolyTransaction reach new users. Check your wallet and try it out.


What’s SegWit?

SegWit makes it possible to rearrange the information in a block. Consequently, the block can contain more information and it makes transaction processing more cost-effective. Receiving payments on these SegWit addresses does not differ from typical addresses in any way. As of now, around 10% of all Bitcoin transactions pass in SegWit.

HolyTransaction SegWit Bitcoin Litecoin

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

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HolyTransaction FAQ: frequently asked questions and answers

HolyTransaction FAQ and Support Center. Before sending us an email, please read our HolyTransaction FAQ below.

You might find the answer you need.

HolyTransaction FAQ

How can I open my wallet?

It’s easy and free to open an account. Visit HolyTransaction.com, click “sign up”, fill out the form, and log in. Then you may want to add funds to your account.

Click “balance” in the main menu and deposit your favorite digital currencies.

How can I show a new wallet?

If you want to add a new digital currency to your wallet, you just need to visit the balance page and then click on the plus button to add more wallets to your account.

What’s the minimum deposit amount?

We don’t have a minimum for incoming deposits. However, in order to withdraw your coins, you need to meet our fees. So please read our fees list below.

Are there fees for using HolyTransaction?

We charge fees only for withdrawals and transactions to other wallets. There are no fees for deposits. For withdrawals, there is a transaction fee required by each network as indicated on our withdrawal page. Also, here you can read a full list of transaction fees.

How can I get a coin listed on HolyTransaction?

We don’t have a definitive set of criteria as each project is unique. We listen to the community and select projects that we believe are unique, innovative, and that our users would be interested in trading. Please send us an email with the info about your coin.

Can I change the email address associated with my account?

You cannot change the email address that was used to create your account at the time of registration. If you are no longer able to access the email account for any reason, please open a support ticket by sending us an email.

Does HolyTransaction have an API?

Yes, and you can check our APIs here.

How many addresses can my account have?

You can create only one address per digital currency.

How quickly are outgoing payments processed?

We make payment instantly, however, each transaction usually needs some time to gain a minimal number of confirmations. Minimum confirmations required varies in every wallet and website.

Can I use HolyTransaction address to play crypto dice games or to mine?

Your deposit address is bound to your account forever. All deposits made to this address will be added to your account balance. However, we don’t guarantee that coins will reside at this address. Due to our system architecture and security measures, coins will be moved to other addresses shortly after deposit, but it does not affect your account balance.

You can still spend all your money anytime.

Should I use HolyTransaction as my only wallet?

We use advanced security mechanisms. However, it is important to take additional steps to ensure that your login details remain protected from users other than yourself.

How do I know my coins will be safe?

We use multiple layers of security:
– cold storage backups
– 2-factor authentication
– regular security audits

Also, we added a new tool we call “the padlock” (you can read more about it hereand other exciting things that are currently in development.

Where do I obtain my two-factor authentication code?

You need Google Authenticator application in order to obtain a two-factor authentication code. Click here to read the step-by-step guide to set it up.

I forgot my password, how can I reset it?

Automatic password recovery is unavailable at this point. Send an email to [email protected] from the mailbox that you have used for signup and we’ll recover it manually.

Do you have a tesnet/UAT version?

We don’t support testnet. Use small amounts of money for test purposes. You can always withdraw them.

When are you going to offer feature X? I would like to access my wallet in my language, can you add it? How can I contribute?

We encourage you to use our feedback widget to ask about features and report bugs. We are implementing them according to demand. Feel free to contact us via email if you want to help with translation or something else.

Do you have a donate button for linking to user’s payment URLs?

Not yet.

Why don’t I see “Exchange” page?

Due to regulatory constraints, we don’t provide the exchange for US residents and customers that currently located in the United States.

If you have questions that you would like to be answered, submit them to our support center.

I made a wrong transaction. Can you refund it?

Due to the nature of the decentralized networks we cannot refund any transaction.

Can you disable my 2fa? I cannot have access to my Google Authenticator App.

Yes, we can do it. Please send us an email at [email protected] from the same email you use to login into your wallet. We will disable your OTP in 1 week in order to respect our security standard.

How can I delete my account?

Please send us an email from the same email you use for your acccount. According to GDPR regulation, we will delete your account as soon as possible.

Can I increase my daily limit for transactions and withdrawals?

Sure, please read this guide.

Why has my account been locked?

It could happen if your padlock is active. Please read this guide to deactivate it.

How can I exchange my cryptocurrencies?

If you need to convert your digital currencies into fiat currencies, login into your wallet and visit the “Funding” section.

If you need to convert your crypto into another crypto, please follow this guide.

What is Flyp.me?

Flyp.me is our latest project for your accountless exchange. Read more here.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio
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UASF Bitcoin: a Crypto Guide for Beginners and not

Yesterday we published the image below on Facebook, related to UASF Bitcoin we support. But what does it mean?

uasf bitcoin

What is UASF Bitcoin?

UASF is an abbreviation that stands for User Activated Soft Fork.

It’s a mechanism for the activation of a soft fork that might occur on a specified time enforced by full nodes, a concept that is also called “economic majority”.

In the past years, a UASF was successfully developed to activate the P2SH soft fork (BIP16).

Instead, currently, the UASF is combined with the so-called SegWit activation in the BIP148 proposal you can read here: github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0148.mediawiki.

What is a MASF?

MASF means Miner Activated Soft Fork. It’s a system by which miners can trigger the activation of a soft fork when a majority decides to execute an upgrade. This allows a faster activation of the soft fork, leaving full nodes to upgrade when they decide to do it.

This mechanism is a tradeoff because it puts trust in the hash power,  enforcing the new rules. Conversely, it can cause invalid chains. This was the case with BIP66.

What is BIP148?

BIP148 is a UASF designed to run the current SegWit MASF deployment in order to activate it in all the existing SegWit capable node software (80% + at this time).

From August 1st, 2017, miners have to signal their readiness for SegWit creating blocks with the version bit 1.

What is Segwit?

SegWit is an upgrade to the bitcoin blockchain that might be able to solve the so-called block size debate, by increasing the capacity of each block of the digital currency chain in order to allow more transactions in less time and with fewer fees to be executed and registered on the blockchain itself.

Right now, Bitcoin supports up to 2000 transactions per block in 10 minutes, but SegWit will be able to double this capacity up to 4000 transactions.

Read this infographic to know more about SegWit.


Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio

HolyTransaction launches an ICO for Accountless Exchange

HolyTransaction, one of the oldest multicurrency wallet on the cryptocurrency market, announces an ICO to fund Flyp.me, a new accountless exchange.


Flyp.me is an innovative way to enable anyone to have benefits from an accountless service: no registration is required to exchange the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world.

The exchange empowers worldwide users to trade their digital currencies and tokens while earning a percentage of fees of each trade under the Flyp.me accountless exchange.


Flyp.me allows any FYP token owners to access shares of the profits generated by the platform from fees: a portion of profit fees per trade on the Flyp.me exchange will be distributed to ETH addresses with FYP on a periodical basis.

The purpose of the FYP Tokens is to enable the owners to participate in part of the profits from the fees of the Flyp.me platform and its API by owning FYP Tokens, this will also include the possibility to allow the FYP tokens owners to join the distributed governance model of the Flyp.me platform.

All token owners will receive proportional profits from the platform, and those with a certain minimum of tokens will have additional benefits. All token holders will have the option to propose/vote for features with the stake of their tokens.

FYP Tokens are ERC20-based Ethereum tokens. Each and every FYP Token is equal to each other and has exactly the same qualities, properties, and characteristics. After the ICO period will end, no additional FYP Tokens will be created for any reason whatsoever.

Pre-Sale and ICO

The FYP tokens will be available in two separate rounds, the pre-Sale and the ICO. The pre-Sale period will start on July 10th 2017 at 15.00 UTC and will end the day before the ICO starts (September 6th).

The ICO period will start on September 7th, 2017 at 15.00 UTC and will end on September 21st 2017 at 15.00 UTC.

When Hidden-Hard-Cap is reached, the ICO will end three hours after the Hidden-Hard-Cap threshold is reached.

Token prices and metrics

FYP Tokens will be available for purchase by using Ethereum Smart Contract during the ICO.

During the Pre-Sale, users will be able to use other cryptocurrencies from the Flyp.me Token Sale page or you can query us for a private deposit account if you wish.

You can use the Token Sale page or your HolyTransaction Wallet, otherwise, be prepared to sign with the private keys of the address you sent your funds from to prove your ownership.

The final conversion rate from ETH to FYP Tokens will be published on the Flyp.me website as the presale begins.
During the Pre-Sale, FYP Tokens will be offered with a preferred ratio and with a minimum of 21% bonus to HolyTransaction registered users.

The total (100%) of FYP Tokens created will consist of the sum of the Pre-Sale ones plus the ICO ones and the ones assigned to the Flyp.me Platform itself. The percentage of the FYP Tokens assigned to the Flyp.me Platform is variable (as detailed below) and depends on reaching the Soft-Cap or Hidden-Hard-Cap at the end of the ICO period or not.

Benefits of FYP Tokens

Each and every FYP Token participates in the net fee profits generated by the Flyp.me Platform.

50% of the Flyp.me Platform total net fees’ profits will be periodically sent to the addresses that hold the FYP Tokens.

Once the FYP Tokens are distributed, you will be free to transfer and exchange them. On the more, by being able to sign with your holding keys, you will receive some additional benefits.

Being the owner of a certain number of FYP Tokens (exact number to be later disclosed), will enable the FYP Token owner to benefit from additional features of the Flyp.me Platform that will be better defined and implemented in future stages. Such features include, for example, the ability to vote, to submit proposals and so on.

Read more about Flyp.me and FYP tokens on our official channel on Bitcoin talk or on the official Flyp.me website.


Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio

Ethereum exchange is now available on HolyTransaction

From now on you can exchange Ethereum for the supported digital currencies in HolyTransaction.

What is Ethereum?

At its simplest, Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.

Ether was already available on our wallet, but now you can also buy and sell it through 10 more coins we support.

At press time, Ether value is $87.

Exchange Ethereum with 14 cryptocurrencies

Just like Bitcoin, this means that you can now:

  • Send Ethereum to any address of other cryptocurrencies with instant conversion on the fly;
  • Receive transactions;
  • Exchange Ethereum with any supported coins;
  • Make instant transactions between HT users;
  • Get real time exchange rates on the website;
  • Set OTP for additional protection.

Is Ethereum similar to Bitcoin? Well, sort of, but not really.

Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is a distributed public blockchain network. Although there are some significant technical differences between the two, the most important distinction to note is that Bitcoin and Ethereum differ substantially in purpose and capability. Bitcoin offers one particular application of blockchain technology, a peer to peer electronic cash system that enables online Bitcoin payments. While the Bitcoin blockchain is used to track ownership of digital currency (bitcoins), the Ethereum blockchain focuses on running the programming code of any decentralized application.

In the Ethereum blockchain, instead of mining for bitcoin, miners work to earn Ether, a type of crypto token that fuels the network. Beyond a tradeable cryptocurrency, Ether is also used by application developers to pay for transaction fees and services on the Ethereum network.

So, what are you waiting for?

Open your multicurrency wallet here.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio
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Decred: the younger brother of Bitcoin

Decred (DCR) is a digital currency created back in 2015 by Bitcoin’s BTCSuite developers, an alternative full node bitcoin implementation written in Go.

“Decred uses a hybridized consensus system to strike a balance between miners and users to create a more robust currency”, as it was created both with proof of work (PoW) and with proof of stake (PoS).

This hybrid consensus system allows users to create a balance between proof-of-work miners and proof-of-stake users in order to have a much more robust consensus.

This relatively new cryptocurrency aims at addressing issues related to the increasing centralization of power within the bitcoin blockchain and the growing conflict of interest between the bitcoin community and those who fund the Bitcoin core project.

Also, it is important to say that Decred can be both mined and staked.

Why is another cryptocurrency needed?

When Bitcoin was originally released, it was working in a market that didn’t exist before. There were issues that could be fixed thanks to new digital currencies such as Litecoin or Dogecoin.

Of course, time is showing that Bitcoin is not a failure at all and it radically changed the idea of money.

Decred has several new features in order to combine the very best of proof-of-work and proof-of-stake chains with the main objective of utilising both systems in Decred.

Also, Decred defines itself as “self-funded and progressive” and it relies completely on a community governance and opensource features.

Decred developer Christina Jepson explained:

“The intention is not to attack what we currently have in Bitcoin. We want to recognize what has been done well, but instead, we want to take that and improve on what we think can be done better… That is the spirit that started the technology and we want to return to that to explore options to problems we cannot explore in the current system while we continue to support the Bitcoin software. Alternatives are progress and a way forward to improve the greater ecosystem.”

Decred Wallet

That said, if you want to start buying and selling Decred coins, you will need the right wallet to store them properly.

Recently, we at HolyTransaction added a new wallet on our platform in order to allow you to store your Decred right behind your bitcoin and more than other 20 digital currencies.

Within the same login, in fact, you can store all your cryptocurrencies in a safe place with low fees.

Open here your new wallet to store, buy and sell your favorite coins. 

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio

GameCredits will release its free to use API

Gamecredits Inc wants to change the cryptocurrency market, by releasing its free to use API.

Gamecredits is a digital currency payment solution that can be used within any videogame.

Developers who want to accept gamecredits payments can decide to reduce fees by up to 20%, eliminating chargebacks and increasing user deposit limits and payments speed.

Gamecredits provides all these benefits and takes 10% of game developers revenues, instead of the usual 30% charged by Apple, Google or Steam.

In order to avoid the current issue and let users change their habits starting to use digital currencies, Gamecredits offers several features, so gamers can find coupon codes for the cryptocurrency just by playing their videogames.

The announcement of the release of Gamecredits API comes after the recent announcement of Gamecredits Mobile Store that is set to launch this spring with more than 300 games that will receive instant access to the API.

You can buy or exchange your Gamecredits by using our wallet, as we at HolyTransaction recently integrated this digital currency into our platform.

By using HolyTransaction wallet, you will be able to:

  • Send Gamecredits to any address, even to addresses of other cryptocurrencies with instant conversion on the fly;
  • Receive transactions;
  • Exchange Gamecredits with any supported coins;
  • Make instant transactions between HT users;
  • Get real time exchange rates on the website;
  • Set OTP for additional protection.

Open your Gamecredits wallet here. You just need an email account and the process can be done in only 1 minute.


Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio
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Nevada stops blockchain transactions taxes

A new bill has been proposed to the Nevada Senate and, if it pass, will stop local taxes and fees on the use of a blockchain ledger, both for payments and contracts.

Nevada Senate Bill 398 was filed yesterday and presented by Senator Ben Kieckhefer, who wants to create a legal level for the use of blockchain-based networks.

Notably, this bill will also stop local governments asking for taxes on the use of the distributed ledger or to require a special licensure in order to use it.

This new proposed bill explains:

“A local governmental entity shall not: Impose any tax or fee on the use of a blockchain or smart contract by any person or entity; Require any person or entity to obtain from the local governmental entity any certificate, license or permit to use a blockchain or smart contract; or Impose any other requirement relating to the use of a blockchain or smart contract by any person or entity.”

If this bill pass, its benefits won’t be applied only to these potential economic expenses.

Kieckhefer’s suggestion, in fact, will allow blockchain records to be used in proceedings, noting that “if a law requires a record to be in writing, submission of a blockchain which electronically contains the record satisfies the law”.

“A smart contract, record or signature may not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because a blockchain was used to create, store or verify the smart contract, record or signature. In a proceeding, evidence of a smart contract, record or signature must not be excluded solely because a blockchain was used to create, store or verify the smart contract, record or signature,”the proposed bill states.

Last month a similar proposal was made in Arizona, or a further move to legitimize the use of blockchain distributed ledger; a previous effort was also proposed in Vermont back in 2016.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio