Staking PIVX: Staking PIVX on HolyTransaction Wallet

pivx staking holytransaction wallet

Staking PIVX: Staking PIVX on HolyTransaction Wallet

pivx staking holytransaction wallet
Staking Coins: Staking PIVX

PIVX is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that stands for “Private Instant Verified Transaction“. It is a fork of another cryptocurrency, Dash. Like Dash, PIVX is also used proof of stake for consensus. This means that there are opportunities for earning PIVX just by owning PIVX. This contribution to the network helps fund the verification of transactions and the creation of new PIVX coins. You can think of this as earning interest on your coin or as a dividend on your investment.

Stake PIVX on HolyTransaction Wallet is excited to present to you the launch of our new staking service. You can now leverage Proof of Stake (POS) holdings to safeguard crypto networks while earning financial rewards. Staking PIVX has become much easier with HolyTransaction!

How to Stake PIVX

The first step is to register on to get your PIVX web wallet. The official PIVX wallet is available for Windows, macOS, as well as Linux. Android and iOS versions are also available, but these versions do not yet include staking functionality.

After accessing the HolyTransaction wallet, you must wait for your PIVX deposit to reach the minimum number of confirmations for the synchronization to finish. If you move your PIVX in staking before the next rewards distribution is done, your wallet will receive less rewards according to the mininum PIVX held in that time frame.

Once the PIVX address on Holtransaction has received the transaction, you will start staking yourself some PIVX. Your coins must have at least 101 confirmations. These coins are referred to as mintable coins. The number of confirmations on your transaction can be viewed in the history of your account. Once your coins are mintable, you will then be able to stake them and start receiving POS rewards, you can see your rewards in History -> Distributions. Staking can sometimes take as long as 24h to begin once all the prerequisites are met. If staking does not begin after some days, you should wait until you start minting blocks in your wallet.

Risks and Benefits of Staking PIVX

The more PIVX you stake, the more rewards you get. If you have over 10,000 PIVX, this qualifies you as a masternode. This allows you some say in how the PIVX network operates and also qualifies you to receive additional rewards. Masternodes can earn up to 10% of their stake.

You can stake your coin without being online 24/7, but you will not be eligible for staking rewards while your system is offline. Unlike some other proof of stake coins, PIVX does not consider the age of the coins or the amount of time they have been staked. PIVX only considers is your PIVX balance.


HolyTransaction staking wallet makes it much more user-friendly to stake your POS cryptocurrencies. PIVX has great passive income potential, especially for those who hold over 1000 PIVX, this designation greatly increases the rewards you receive. To begin staking PIVX start by depositing your coins in your HolyTransaction Wallet.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.


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