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European Parliament hosts a conference on Bitcoin

european parliament
The European Parliament will host a conference on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
The four days event aims at educating MEPs about new technologies related to finance and economy.
To do so, the event has been organized together with the European Digital Currency and Blockchain Technology Forum (EDCAB), a new Bruxelles platform related to Bitcoin and the Blockchain.
The conference will start next week and will see the partecipation of World Bank, IMF, OECD, Nasdaq,, Bank for International Settlements, United Nations and Europol, among the others.
Syed Kamall, the event host, explained:
“I am pleased to be hosting the exhibition on blockchain and virtual currencies in the European Parliament. Legislators internationally are now looking at this area and how to protect the consumer while stimulating innovation.”
Unfortunately the conference will not be public, but it could represent a great opportunity and an important turn around for the cryptocurrencies ecosystem.
Also, this means that the most insightful companies and banks from all around the world are starting to understand the revolution that Bitcoin and the blockchain represents for our daily life.


EDCAB aims at helping shape a sound regulatory and policy agenda for virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology in the European Union. We engage with EU policymakers, legislators and key stakeholders on live and upcoming issues, addressing both challenges and opportunities.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio