Bitcoin will surpass PayPal in US Dollar transactions, according to BVI Hedge Fund

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Bitcoin will surpass PayPal in US Dollar transactions, according to BVI Hedge Fund

(SBWIRE) Laureate sees the current dip in price at US$522.57 as an opportunity to buy the alternative currency that could increase 50 per cent in price in the near-term as it threatens to overtake PayPal in transactional volume for the first time 2014.
According to the daily average of bitcoins trading in US dollar transactions is nearly US$300 million.
CEO Peter Tasca of Laureate Trust states, “Whenever you have an instrument that trades over 300 million US dollars a day, it must be recognized. The digital currency works, Bitcoin has greater volume transactions than Western Union and we anticipate it will overtake PayPal later this year.” “In the next one or two years, Bitcoin can surpass the dollar transaction volumes of other established payment companies including Discover, and even American Express, MasterCard, and Visa,” stated SmartMetric CEO Chaya Hendrick.
Laureate Trust provides expert portfolio management that achieves optimal results. The proven trading strategies are based on four principles: diversification, technical analysis, trend following and risk management, which combined have the potential to profit from any economic situation. In 2013 this multiple platform strategy returned +23.01% net of all fees which has outperformed the Barron’s Top 100 Hedge Fund Average, Barclayhedge Fund Index Average and the S&P 500 Total Return Average.

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