Tag Archives: conversion


Change Bitcoin Euro: how to sell crypto in Europe

People who decide to invest in crypto often have to change Bitcoin Euro, but the main problem is always the same: where? which platform should I use in order to have low fees and instant conversion?

We at HolyTransaction have found a solution for these issues and we have launched HolyTransaction Trade, an instant exchange that allows you to change Bitcoin Euro in a few steps.

Through our new service you can instantly convert Bitcoin into Euro and vice versa, buying and selling your cryptocurrencies at any time.

We have a few options to do so: Bitcoin to Virtual Credit Card, Bank Transfer, and Halcash ATM ( the latest one option is available in Poland and Spain).

Or Bitcoin to EasyPay, TeleIngreso and PayNet if you live in Greece, Mexico or Spain.

Change Bitcoin Euro: step-by-step guide

By clicking on the links below you can read step-by-step guides to change your Bitcoin into Euro:

How to convert bitcoin into euro in a few steps

Bitcoin virtual credit card: how to create it

Bitcoin euro: withdraw with ATM machines

Also, if you don’t know exactly how a Bitcoin Virtual Credit Card works and which benefits it has, you can read the insightful article below to understand why you might need a virtual credit card to do shopping online.

Virtual Credit Card Bitcoin and its benefits


Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio