Change Bitcoin Euro: how to sell crypto in Europe

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Change Bitcoin Euro: how to sell crypto in Europe

People who decide to invest in crypto often have to change Bitcoin Euro, but the main problem is always the same: where? which platform should I use in order to have low fees and instant conversion?

We at HolyTransaction have found a solution for these issues and we have launched HolyTransaction Trade, an instant exchange that allows you to change Bitcoin Euro in a few steps.

Through our new service you can instantly convert Bitcoin into Euro and vice versa, buying and selling your cryptocurrencies at any time.

We have a few options to do so: Bitcoin to Virtual Credit Card, Bank Transfer, and Halcash ATM ( the latest one option is available in Poland and Spain).

Or Bitcoin to EasyPay, TeleIngreso and PayNet if you live in Greece, Mexico or Spain.

Change Bitcoin Euro: step-by-step guide

By clicking on the links below you can read step-by-step guides to change your Bitcoin into Euro:

How to convert bitcoin into euro in a few steps

Bitcoin virtual credit card: how to create it

Bitcoin euro: withdraw with ATM machines

Also, if you don’t know exactly how a Bitcoin Virtual Credit Card works and which benefits it has, you can read the insightful article below to understand why you might need a virtual credit card to do shopping online.

Virtual Credit Card Bitcoin and its benefits


Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio
Amelia Tomasicchio

Amelia Tomasicchio is a content writer and marketer of Bitcoin-related news and fintech startups. She started writing about Bitcoin in 2014 and she graduated in Rome with an essay about movie industry related to Bitcoin.

One thought on “Change Bitcoin Euro: how to sell crypto in Europe

HolyTransaction Trade: opinions and news – HolyTransaction's blogPosted on  10:27 am - Jan 19, 2017

[…] Click here to read more about HolyTransaction Trade and start converting from/to your favorite cryptocurrency. […]

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