Category Archive: gavin andresen

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Does Gavin Andreseen “agree” Craig Wright is the real Satoshi Nakamoto?

Australian computer scientist Craig Wright revealed he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto, the man who invented Bitcoin back in 2008. 
Wright announced this huge news at the most important news journals of the world, including BBC, GQ, and the Economist.

He explained: 
“These are the blocks used to send 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney in January as the first bitcoin transaction.”

Gavin Andresen confirms this thesis: Wright is Satoshi

The most popular Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen published a post where he explained he is convinced by the Wright’s announcement.

He wrote:

“I was flown to London to meet Dr. Wright a couple of weeks ago, after an initial email conversation convinced me that there was a very good chance he was the same person I’d communicated with in 2010 and early 2011. After spending time with him I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt: Craig Wright is Satoshi.”

Craigh Wright is a trend on Twitter

Everyone is talking about this shocking news on Twitter. In fact, Craigh Wright quickly became a worldwide trend.

And we cannot avoid asking ourselves how this revelation will affect bitcoin.

Is the mystery solved?

In the latest hours, we found that probably the Andreseen’s account is been hacked so he never wrote the post where he confirmed the Satoshi Nakamoto identity.

Also, the signature Craig used to prove his Bitcoin invention is a fake.

Peter Todd wrote on Twitter:

Peter Todd

FYI, @gavinandresen‘s commit access just got removed – Core team members are concerned that he may have been hacked.

This article has been updated on May 2, 2016 3:45 CEST.

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Amelia Tomasicchio
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5 podcasts on Blockchain and Bitcoin You May Need Right Now

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Several leading minds in the Bitcoin world share their knowledge on the cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology.
That is why we have list the top 5 poadcasts related to the crypto sector.

Listen to these selected 5 podcasts to learn everything you need to know about Bitcoin and the Blockchain. Click on the images to listen to the podcasts.

1. Khan Academy teachs Bitcoin

Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that aims at educating people about several topics, including Bitcoin.
Some years ago, in fact, Zulfikar Ramzan, expert in computer security and cryptography, created nine videos in which he explained everything about bitcoin.

2. Andreas Antonopoulos talks about Bitcoin

Everyone knows who Andreas Antonopoulos is,and during this poadcast he talks about “The Other 6 Billion” or the 6 billion people who do not have access to financial services.

3. Token Talks by Wing Venture Capital

The show is an interview series with founders of emerging blockchain tech startups.
It’s for people that want to stay ahead of the curve of what’s happening in crypto.

4. Let’s talk about Bitcoin

Let’s talk about Bitcoin is a website where you can find all the most interesting and insightful poadcasts about the crypto world.
And, among their permanent host there is Andreas Antonopolous himself.

5. Anthony Pompliano on Off The Chain

Anthony Pompliano talks about bitcoin, explaining the origins of this cryptocurrency, how new currency was born and its future.
off the chain podcast

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Amelia Tomasicchio