How Cryptocurrency is Paving the Future for Hedge Funds

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How Cryptocurrency is Paving the Future for Hedge Funds

We all know how cryptocurrency rose to power and the impact it’s having on the world, but now it’s confirming its place as a form of finance that is used and accepted around the world, it’s time to look to the future, in particular, hedge funds.

Have you ever thought about how cryptocurrencies are effective hedge funds, and how many believe that cryptocurrencies are, in fact, the future of hedge funds? Well, the future is now. Crypto hedge funds are already popping up here and there, and while 150 exist at the time of writing, there are many more on their way.

In fact, many believe that this number could double, if not triple, over the coming year. While it’s clear the venture capital industry is changing as we know it, today we’re going to share what we already know, and what we can expect in the coming years.

It’s Far from Ready

By many estimates, there are over 15,000 hedge funds around the world, 150 cryptocurrency hedge funds don’t seem like a lot. Even if you triple this number to 450, that still such a small percentage of the total hedge funds count, so why is this such a big deal?

The truth is, the industry is still growing and finding its feet, which means once it’s able to stand up for itself, so to speak, then it will really start to take up. At the moment, it’s still in its crawling days.

Rough estimates state that the hedge fund industry is worth around $3 trillion, whereas the amount of money going to cryptocurrencies is only around $3 billion. I know these are still huge sums of money, but on the grand scale of things, it’s tiny. However, this is predicted to change over the next 12 months.

This is because cryptocurrency values and estimates are still way too high, and many cryptocurrencies are way too volatile, which means investors are being cautious around them. Additionally, with so much competition in the industry, it’s hard for investors to know what to focus on, and what investment opportunities are worth the risk.

Many people still see investing in cryptocurrency as gambling, and it’s true, there’s still a huge factor in investing it. However, if the rate of integration of cryptocurrency into the mainstream continues as well as it is already, this shouldn’t continue to be a problem over the next few years.

When you consider that the top 35 cryptocurrencies are valued at over $1 billion, so it’s not going to be ignored any time soon.

Technology is Evolving

Of course, blockchain technology is responsible for making cryptocurrency work in the way it does, but it’s important to note that this technology is still evolving. There’s no denying that the technologies and services are still being invested in, but it’s a long way off being where it needs to be, although this is changing rapidly, and the hedge funds markets are reflecting this.

The more success that comes from the technology, the more it will be developed, and the more funds it will have invested in it, and therefore the faster it will evolve. This will be represented by a rapidly spiking curve over time and will happen fast.

The Tides are Changing

Look at the market, and what do you see? There’s no denying that cryptocurrency is the way that the market is going to go. After all, millennials are already ‘unbanking’ and moving their money in cryptocurrency deposits, rather than traditional banking systems and networks.

Traditional banking systems are noticing this and now, of course, have to consider cryptocurrencies in their banking strategies, and will continue to do so over the coming years. From an investor’s point of view, it’s important to start looking at these strategies and at how cryptocurrencies can be incorporated into their investment strategies.

If you don’t already have a cryptocurrency investment strategy existing, this is something you need to think about because you’re going to be left behind.

Although investors with cryptocurrency strategies are already ahead of the curve, the tides are changing fast, and you don’t want to be left behind and without a strategy when cryptocurrencies play such an integral role in the markets.

Michael Dehoyos Photo

Michael Dehoyos is an economic consultant and editor at Coursework Writing Services. He assists companies in their marketing strategy concepts, and contributes to numerous sites and publications, as well as offering investment advice.

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