HolyTransaction partners with Netki for human-readable address

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HolyTransaction partners with Netki for human-readable address

Wallet addresses are one of the most aggressive barriers to the mass adoption of digital currency. Trying to explain these lengthy, case sensitive, intimidating strings of numbers and letters to the uninitiated is a daunting task. Much of the general population values simplicity over function, and in this regard wallet addresses seem scary and overly complex.

It is with this in mind that we are very excited to announce our partnership with Netki!
Netki makes digital money approachable and intuitive for new and veteran users alike, by transforming long and unwieldy Bitcoin addresses into human-readable wallet names. Additionally, your Netki name separates your identity from public blockchain data, providing you multiple layers of privacy, as well as multiple validations to keep you secure.
When paired with your existing HolyTransaction account, Netki will allow you to use one single Name for all of your wallet addresses. This means that you will be able to send multiple currencies, all to one domain name-like address! As of this writing Changetip is integrated with Netki. Storing your funds, tipping online, building/implementing blockchain applications, and buying, selling, and accepting your desired currency, have all just become as simple as remembering a single name, when used with supported vendors!
Your account will be automatically updated as soon as it’s ready, and the integration will be seamless from your perspective. Once implemented, your wallet name will correspond to your HT username.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin will be the first coins supported, with more of your favorites coming soon after.
Netki’s solution utilizes both the decentralized Namecoin blockchain at its core and distributed DNSSEC at its edges. This combination allows users to have both control and ownership of the blockchain, while still maintaining their financial privacy. This architecture allows users to easily share their Wallet Name with anyone without having to publish it to the world via a public ledger.
Together, HolyTransaction and Netki aim to transform cumbersome wallet addresses into one shareable, easy to remember name, that will be usable by all your digital currencies. We look forward to working together to continue making the bitcoin experience both friendly and intuitive for all.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.


3 thoughts on “HolyTransaction partners with Netki for human-readable address

Ella MentaryPosted on  7:39 pm - Apr 25, 2015

Will this in anyway effect any currencies we currently have in our wallets such as assessing an unforeseen percentage to each member's account upon transforming or converting the now cumbersome (as you stated), wallet addresses into one shareable yet easily remembered naming scheme? I ask only because of my experience with another digital currency whose plans (similar to what you guys are doing) failed to mention that the accumulations of virtual funds may decrease in monetary units thus convincing its members to remain patient while the conversion completes leading to extremely low ROIs. Oh, sure they told us on its blog – but they failed to mention how much percentage will be held due to the conversion. Depending on the accumulated funds a member had in his/her account, I believe that a member having had $55K – $75K in their account deplete to $5K – $6K, I think the validity of such a question is forthcoming from me and/or other members of HT. I mean, isn't that what all business' of all types must actively do; is to "forcast", especially when it comes to dealing with monies (digital, virtual or otherwise)? But on a lighter note: I LOVE THE IDEA! ;ox

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