Category Archive: users

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Which kind of Bitcoin user are you?

Today we want to do a little quiz with you, to find out how many types of Bitcoin user exist. 
In fact, below, you can read two studies conducted on this topic and – at the end of the article – you will be able to know which profile best fits you. 

The four types of Bitcoin users

According to Dr. Paul Ennis, researcher at The Centre for Innovation, Technology & Organization at University College Dublin, there are four types of bitcoin users: nerds, speculators, criminals and libertarians. 
In his own study, Ennis explains that each of these profiles identifies a different benefit or reward in the use of bitcoin:
– For computer programmers, the rewards for mining
– For speculators, the volatility
– For the libertarians, the perceived lack of regulation
– For criminals, the perceived anonymity.

Yellowitz and Wilson Whitepaper 

To know more about the characteristics of Bitcoin users, you also can read this whitepaper written by Aaron Yelowitz and Matthew Wilson in 2015. 
Yelowitz and Matthew Wilson identified four types of Bitcoin users too (pg 1030): computer programming enthusiasts, speculative investors, libertarians and criminals. 


Maybe the greatest part of Bitcoin users are the libertarians, because this cryptocurrency can allow a method of payment free from a centralized authority. 
In fact, according to an online survey by Lui Smyth, researcher at University College London, 44.3% of Bitcoin users identify themselves as “libertarian”. 
Libertarians, for example, don’t trust the government to manage the nation’s currency supply, so they prefer to use Bitcoin instead. 
Bitcoin is not controlled by banks or governments, and can zip across the globe and – of course – it’s stateless.

Multicurrencies Wallet 

To use the most part of these tools you may need an online wallet where you can store your bitcoin.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio