Polish Bitcoin regulators recognized it within the country

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Polish Bitcoin regulators recognized it within the country

Polish Bitcoin regulators decided to recognize the digital currency within the country.

In fact, the country’s Central Statistical Office (GUS) revealed its decision to recognize the trading and mining of digital currencies as an official economic business in Poland.

This is the reason why from now on companies active in the Polish industry are be able to register themselves with the agency.

Businesses who are involved in cryptocurrency trade and production activities can now apply to obtain an official PKD 64.19.Z registration, the GUS explained in a press release.

This news highlights a significant step forward for industry workers in Poland where currently there isn’t an official regulation or legislation about neither bitcoin or other digital currencies.

Earlier this year the Polish Ministry of Finance released a few documents that expressed the status of legality for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.

Also, in a statement published back in November, the finance ministry commented what follows:

“there is a lack of a general, legal definition of virtual currency in international, European and national law”.

This explains that digital currencies are subjected to income tax, even if they are not subject to any separate regulation according to the Polish legislation.

Polish ministry also commented:

“It should also be stressed here that their use in Poland is fully legal.”

Polish Bitcoin studies

To explore the legal and financial implications of the use of the Polish Bitcoin use, government of Poland has created a new group of blockchain and virtual currencies experts.

This Polish Bitcoin task force was established under the surveilance of the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, and according to thePolish government’s program titled From Paper To Digital Poland that was written by the Cabinet back in June 2016.

This task force will be responsible to prepare analyses for use by other government agencies in their legislative work and the possible chance of a Polish Bitcoin and digital currencies regulation is one of its goals and interests.

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio
Amelia Tomasicchio

Amelia Tomasicchio is a content writer and marketer of Bitcoin-related news and fintech startups. She started writing about Bitcoin in 2014 and she graduated in Rome with an essay about movie industry related to Bitcoin.

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