A technology originally created for NASA communication now will be used by the new Microsoft blockchain project that will help tracking products worldwide.
Microsoft Blockchain’s Project called Manifest can also help to ensure the origin of the material used and the labor used to build the products, conforming them to company’s standards.
Thanks to a partnership with Mojix, Project Manifest uses Internet of Things (IoT) platform that is currently integrated with the Ethereum blockchain to help companies to track items using a radio frequency identification device (RFID).
This kind of implementation is able to inform each member of the supply chain about the history of a shipped product.
During a recent interview with Microsoft’s strategist Yorke Rhodes, he explained why this partnership was chosen:
“Project Manifest is actually designed to look at the challenges of visibility in the supply chain. One of the reasons why we worked with Mojix is because they already have technology and know-how in supply chains for scanning RFIDs.”
An early version of the Microsoft blockchain solution now integrates Mojix’s platform, called ViZix, with a smart contracts and it was exhibited during an event held last week at the National Retail Federation in NYC.
The ViZix integration has been designed to exploit the rapidly growing rate that goods are being labelled with RFID, Bluetooth and GPS sensors.
“The consumer would like to be able to see where the goods are to make sure they’re not coming from slave labor and things like that,” said Yorke. “By way of giving consumers the ability to do that we’d like to push certain parts of the data to a public blockchain.”
In addition to the Mojix partnership, Project Manifest also includes work with a standards body and support from the academic sector.
In fact, Project Manifest confirmed that two professors and 10 students from Auburn University’s RFID lab will also participate to the group.
Also, the lab has been engaged with seven brands and three retailers for seeking to create new ways to deal with a recent growth in supply chain data.
This team is studying and testing electronic proof of delivery, vendor scorecarding, anti-counterfeiting, anti-grey market, and data exchange data.
And a report about these researches is expected by the end of 2017.
Read more about Microsoft Blockchain’s project here.
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