Bitcoin Gifts for Christmas? Here some ideas

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Bitcoin Gifts for Christmas? Here some ideas

Are you ready for Christmas? Do you want to buy some Bitcoin gifts for you friends and parents?

When Christmas is approaching, every year begins the race for the perfect gift, but unfortunately presents get harder to think. The choice narrows every year, especially if you make a gift to the same people every year.

After the usual shower gel, socks and hats, this year you can give (and maybe even receive) some original Bitcoin gifts. Also, if you don’t like to go out for shopping and deal with the Christmas chaos, you can buy these gifts directly from your home.

Here you can find a wide range of gifts you can make using bitcoin or other digital currencies.

  1. OpenBaazar: this Bitcoin marketplace allows you to buy several kinds of gifts, including pc games, pins, t-shirts and more. Your order will be shipped to your home address, but shipment costs are quite expensive.
  2. Thanks to Purse, you now buy everything you need from Amazon but using Bitcoin. 
  3. For coffee lovers, you can decide to visit Bitcoin Coffee Store that delivers everywhere in the world.


That said, if you really want to give your friends and parents an original gift, what about a Bitcoin wallet?

I mean, our wallet is free, of course, and you can open one on HolyTransaction, deposit the amount you want give your friends and family as a present, so they will also learn how to use bitcoin.

You just have to visit our website herecreate an account, deposit the bitcoin amount you decide and give these original Bitcoin gifts to your friends.

Maybe you can print out the wallet access key and place it in a beautiful colored envelope under the Christmas tree.

Your lucky recipient will receive a unique, original and useful gift, so he will be aware of the bitcoin world and increase his fintech skills while he spents his new money.

Also, this will also be a good way to spread the use and understanding of bitcoin.

What are you waiting for? Open a new free wallet on

Open your free digital wallet here to store your cryptocurrencies in a safe place.

Amelia Tomasicchio
Amelia Tomasicchio

Amelia Tomasicchio is a content writer and marketer of Bitcoin-related news and fintech startups. She started writing about Bitcoin in 2014 and she graduated in Rome with an essay about movie industry related to Bitcoin.

One thought on “Bitcoin Gifts for Christmas? Here some ideas

Charles HooverPosted on  8:41 am - Dec 26, 2016

So after we make a wallet, how do we get the bitcoin to put in the wallet? Can we purchase that here from you?

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